STALL   Directed by Jordan Blazak
Stephanie (Jean Evans) and her estranged, nomadic brother take a roadtrip to spread their father’s ashes. Facing guilt and a vehicle breakdown, they are forced to confront each other in total honesty. This short film premiered at the Beverly Hills Film Festival 2024

ADAGIO   Directed by Tianyang Zhang
Following a devastating breakup, Avery (Jean Evans) tries desperately to hold onto the memory of her partner, until it eventually consumes her. Jean won Best Actress at ARFF Paris 2024 for this role.

NOAH   Directed by Zach Pulliam
August (Jean Evans) does her best to live in a world without her late husband, Noah. A task made more complicated when her son, Oliver, shows that he is old enough to begin asking questions about his father.

COTTON CANDY BREAKFAST   Directed by Olivia Ormond
In the aftermath of a mass shooting, Winnie (Jean Evans) faces the consequences of her choices and the reality of what comes next.

DID YOU MEAN IT?   Directed by Alex Kissel, 2023
A routine scene study goes awry when one partner improvises a line that hits a little too close to home. This short film was screened at theGolden State Film Festival 2024 and the Marina Del Ray Film Festival 2024.

SUPERPOWERS AREN’T A THING   Directed by Lorenzo Gonzalez
A trio of superheroes trying to live peacefully in suburbia are the mistaken targets of a mob in this heartfelt comedy feature by Lorenzo Gonzalez. No release date has been set. Follow the journey HERE

FIGMENT   Directed by Jaxson Thornton, 2022
Elizabeth (Jean Evans)  struggles to cope with the loss of her father, causing her to indulge in uncharacteristic  behaviors. On a journey of self discovery and self destruction, how far will she go?